The New Testament refers to the role of a deacon or a deaconess in the early church. The New Testament uses three primary words in the Greek that refer to the role and function, and all of them revolve around the idea of service or servant. At Crosspoint, we use the term ‘ministry leader’ rather than deacon and deaconess, but the function and purpose is the same. Ministry leaders are servant leaders who help facilitate and lead areas of ministry in the local church. The New Testament is not explicitly clear on what specific roles the servant leaders are called to, so each local church is given freedom to determine what is most appropriate for their ministry and context.  Just as with the qualifications of elders/pastors, the New Testament emphasis on leadership is on the character and way of life of the leader (1 Timothy 3:8-12).  

Who are the ministry leaders at Crosspoint?

Building Team:  Mike Troth (contact), Brad Schrock, Matt Wiegand, Luke Wiegand

Leading and managing the maintenance and development of Crosspoint's property

Common Grounds:  Tiffany Wiegand (contact)

Creating the environment for building 3D relationships through warm hospitality and coffee

Director of AV Productions:  Van Friederich (contact)

Keeping people’s eyes and ears focused and engaged without distraction, so that the focus is on Jesus

Finance Team:  Matt Wiegand  (contact), Brandon Bressner, Aaron Householter

Managing God's financial resources for His glory and purposes

First Impressions:  Sam Amick (contact), Dave Stalter, Daniel Kennell

Creating an inviting, safe, and loving environment for all who walk in our doors

GO (Global Outreach/Missions) Team:  Steven and Lauren Sauder (contact), Micah Williamson, Darren and Jane Freidinger, Kathi Lane

Overseeing and supporting Crosspoint's local, regional, and international mission efforts